People just aren't relying on communicating via the telephone to relay messages. Teenagers and young adults especially prefer to text their messages, rather than to communicate verbally. I thought of some of the best instances to pick up the receiver and make a verbal telephone call or not.
*Call from a land line the first month you get behind on your mortgage. The closer you are to pre-foreclosure status, the worse it looks that your cell phone bill has been paid.
*Call your grandparents. I have observed an elderly person trying to figure out which buttons lead to the text message, only to get there and not know how to get back to the main screen saver.
*Call your girlfriend when you invite the guys over. She needs to get in all of her questions about who's coming, who's cooking, who's drinking, and how long are they staying. It is best if she processes all of this information with you on the phone, because she may throw in some slur words that lose their power in a text transmission.
*Call the neighbors when you want to be nosey. They love it that you give them an opportunity to play "big shot" and hear themselves lie.
*Call your managers work phone number when you will be late for work - even if you have his or her cell phone number. It's more courteous, especially since your employer pays you and not your manager.
*Call whomever you need to talk to when you are in a crisis. People sympathize with hearing your voice.
*Call your hairdresser for an appointment instead of sending him or her a text message and here's why: Your haidresser works with his or her hands and texting may take attention away from the client.
Some instances when NOT TO CALL:
*Don't call your wife to argue, instead text her. If you text her, you allow her a chance to beat out her frustration on the cell phone keys in response to your text. She'll be somewhat relaxed when she gets home.
*Don't call in to cast your vote in a contest. First, it's not worth it. It is simpler to send a text message. Secondly a text message serves as a great reminder when you view your phone log that you helped someone else win big.
*Don't call in to your local bank about anything - always visit. The bankers need practice at redesigning their customer awareness skills.
*Last, but not least DO NOT Call your children when they might be in trouble - they need to see the words, GET HOME NOW!.
Got it? Get it. EttaKit it...
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