Sustainability: Your ability to use your present resources to meet your present needs WITHOUT compromising the needs of future generations. Ouch! How sustainable are you?
According to God's word: A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children.
What are you leaving future generations?
It is not wise to use all your time, all your money, all your talent, or all your brains on your day-to-day living.
You really don't have time to play all those video games and watch that much football! A part-time job or a newspaper route gives you a few pennies to buy some savings bonds at the local bank. Ladies, how many earrings do you need?
Is your lifestyle preventing you from investing in future generations?
You can begin now to take the necessary action to plan something for the future of your bloodline. I would like you to think of how critical it is for your children to have something passed along to them. Now think about where you are in life. You may have it pretty good. But you also could have probably used the benefit of a trust account from an aunt, right?
Maybe if you inherited a house, you could have lived in it and not have spent so much money on rent. And the cycle is that you can now invest that money you don't have to spend on rent, for those grandkids to inherit!
Will your child go to college if you haven't saved the $500 that he or she can use for a plane ticket to even try out for that scholarship? Take the little bit you have now and make it work. No money? No problem. Can you pass on some wisdom - maybe written in a little booklet? You know you can cook! Does anybody in the family have your recipes? If not, write them down. You could be the start of something big - Uncle Charlies Bar-B-Q Sauce!
So you think you're not that smart? Sorry, I won't let you off the hook! Whatever talent you have, pass it on. Do you know how to detail cars, clean houses, draw, write music, or hem pants? All of these can be grown into a profitable business by future generations. Now is the time to "Show-n-Tell" your children and your relatives what you know.
I ask again..."How sustainable are you?"