Hi, it's your FUTURE. You know I'm that point in time that is now here. Ta-da!
You remember how you thought about an idea or where you would be from a long time ago...well now here I am.
I know I sneaked up on ya', didn't I?
You couldn't recognize me, because you forgot to bring me along and nurture me.
That's okay though because I don't go away, I just keep moving ahead!
Anyway, I know the weekends are for sleeping in...ever wonder why your company wants you at work so early? It's because your employer wants to get as much out of you as they can, right? They are smart. But so are you, or they wouldn't have hired you.
So this weekend why not work for yourself and give yourself as much of you as you can? Start early in the morning and do something to help me - your future - out. Just take a little stab at that vision you have. Maybe get some life insurance quotes, download the paperwork for your will, write the letter to get your transcripts to begin college, talk to at least one of your creditors when they call today, buy that Bible for your child, doodle your company logo, send off for the free catalog of stuff you need in your new business venture, have brunch with a possible business partner...
See the many ways you can work for you today? That way the next time I - your future - comes back I will look like something you recognize because you've been building me step-by-step.