Sustainability: Your ability to use your present resources to meet your present needs WITHOUT compromising the needs of future generations. Ouch! How sustainable are you?
According to God's word: A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children.
What are you leaving future generations?
It is not wise to use all your time, all your money, all your talent, or all your brains on your day-to-day living.
You really don't have time to play all those video games and watch that much football! A part-time job or a newspaper route gives you a few pennies to buy some savings bonds at the local bank. Ladies, how many earrings do you need?
Is your lifestyle preventing you from investing in future generations?
You can begin now to take the necessary action to plan something for the future of your bloodline. I would like you to think of how critical it is for your children to have something passed along to them. Now think about where you are in life. You may have it pretty good. But you also could have probably used the benefit of a trust account from an aunt, right?
Maybe if you inherited a house, you could have lived in it and not have spent so much money on rent. And the cycle is that you can now invest that money you don't have to spend on rent, for those grandkids to inherit!
Will your child go to college if you haven't saved the $500 that he or she can use for a plane ticket to even try out for that scholarship? Take the little bit you have now and make it work. No money? No problem. Can you pass on some wisdom - maybe written in a little booklet? You know you can cook! Does anybody in the family have your recipes? If not, write them down. You could be the start of something big - Uncle Charlies Bar-B-Q Sauce!
So you think you're not that smart? Sorry, I won't let you off the hook! Whatever talent you have, pass it on. Do you know how to detail cars, clean houses, draw, write music, or hem pants? All of these can be grown into a profitable business by future generations. Now is the time to "Show-n-Tell" your children and your relatives what you know.
I ask again..."How sustainable are you?"
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Your Future is here
Hi, it's your FUTURE. You know I'm that point in time that is now here. Ta-da!
You remember how you thought about an idea or where you would be from a long time ago...well now here I am.
I know I sneaked up on ya', didn't I?
You couldn't recognize me, because you forgot to bring me along and nurture me.
That's okay though because I don't go away, I just keep moving ahead!
Anyway, I know the weekends are for sleeping in...ever wonder why your company wants you at work so early? It's because your employer wants to get as much out of you as they can, right? They are smart. But so are you, or they wouldn't have hired you.
So this weekend why not work for yourself and give yourself as much of you as you can? Start early in the morning and do something to help me - your future - out. Just take a little stab at that vision you have. Maybe get some life insurance quotes, download the paperwork for your will, write the letter to get your transcripts to begin college, talk to at least one of your creditors when they call today, buy that Bible for your child, doodle your company logo, send off for the free catalog of stuff you need in your new business venture, have brunch with a possible business partner...
See the many ways you can work for you today? That way the next time I - your future - comes back I will look like something you recognize because you've been building me step-by-step.
You remember how you thought about an idea or where you would be from a long time ago...well now here I am.
I know I sneaked up on ya', didn't I?
You couldn't recognize me, because you forgot to bring me along and nurture me.
That's okay though because I don't go away, I just keep moving ahead!
Anyway, I know the weekends are for sleeping in...ever wonder why your company wants you at work so early? It's because your employer wants to get as much out of you as they can, right? They are smart. But so are you, or they wouldn't have hired you.
So this weekend why not work for yourself and give yourself as much of you as you can? Start early in the morning and do something to help me - your future - out. Just take a little stab at that vision you have. Maybe get some life insurance quotes, download the paperwork for your will, write the letter to get your transcripts to begin college, talk to at least one of your creditors when they call today, buy that Bible for your child, doodle your company logo, send off for the free catalog of stuff you need in your new business venture, have brunch with a possible business partner...
See the many ways you can work for you today? That way the next time I - your future - comes back I will look like something you recognize because you've been building me step-by-step.
Monday, August 24, 2009
M. Obama for short
And shorts they are. I read a news story on the internet about First Lady Michelle Obama wearing shorts while on vacation with her family. It seems the media is keeping this story alive more than the general public.
Since I have not seen many comments, I decided to shed some "Etta Kit" (etiquette) on this issue. You are wondering what I think, correct? Well, I think it is appropriate to wear shorts on a summer vacation. I also believe it's okay to wear a layered cotton t-shirt and a tank top - which Michelle also did.
But I have a problem with Michelle wearing this stuff on any outings other than for working in her garden! Simply put - it just looks bad.
Let me remind you of this last comment: it looks bad. I didn't say she looks bad.
Now I like Michelle. She is all that. She touches all generations. She was raised by working people who had morals - senior citizens appreciate her respect. Michelle is an independent working woman - the mid-generations folks can relate to her. Finally Michelle has children whom she accompanies to concerts - younger people like her attitude.
So I don't think Michelle does anything for popularity - she knows where she stands with people. But I have some concerns for Michelle. Being the First Lady, in my opinion, puts her in an arena where she has the obligation to lead - period. That aura to lead is like a magnet. Whatever dergree of leadership one shows, is the degree of leadership one gets in return.
If Michelle dresses too casual, how much respect will the people of the United States be inclined to show her as a lady when it's time for her to change into something more regal?
Another of my concerns is that Michelle's casual look could be viewed by the public as her not having respect for the position of which the general public "gave" her (and her husband).
Personally I would like for First Lady Obama to take her style up a notch or two. Some comments on the internet are that she's just an average lady. Well, she was an average lady, but now she's the First Lady. When I look at Michelle, I want to see a style that surpasses my own. And I would not have worn that shorts ensemble on my family vacation.
Since I have not seen many comments, I decided to shed some "Etta Kit" (etiquette) on this issue. You are wondering what I think, correct? Well, I think it is appropriate to wear shorts on a summer vacation. I also believe it's okay to wear a layered cotton t-shirt and a tank top - which Michelle also did.
But I have a problem with Michelle wearing this stuff on any outings other than for working in her garden! Simply put - it just looks bad.
Let me remind you of this last comment: it looks bad. I didn't say she looks bad.
Now I like Michelle. She is all that. She touches all generations. She was raised by working people who had morals - senior citizens appreciate her respect. Michelle is an independent working woman - the mid-generations folks can relate to her. Finally Michelle has children whom she accompanies to concerts - younger people like her attitude.
So I don't think Michelle does anything for popularity - she knows where she stands with people. But I have some concerns for Michelle. Being the First Lady, in my opinion, puts her in an arena where she has the obligation to lead - period. That aura to lead is like a magnet. Whatever dergree of leadership one shows, is the degree of leadership one gets in return.
If Michelle dresses too casual, how much respect will the people of the United States be inclined to show her as a lady when it's time for her to change into something more regal?
Another of my concerns is that Michelle's casual look could be viewed by the public as her not having respect for the position of which the general public "gave" her (and her husband).
Personally I would like for First Lady Obama to take her style up a notch or two. Some comments on the internet are that she's just an average lady. Well, she was an average lady, but now she's the First Lady. When I look at Michelle, I want to see a style that surpasses my own. And I would not have worn that shorts ensemble on my family vacation.
first lady,
michelle obama,
white house
Monday, August 10, 2009
Respect Life
It's been some time since I blogged...why? Because the events in my life have been happening too fast to take any notes. Ever had that happen? A relative of mine asked the best way to handle stuff when you know the stuff can take you out.
I am no surfer, but I remember hearing that the best way to ride a wave is to ride it. Is this true? To ride a wave is not to try to overcome it, but follow it because it will eventually hit the shore and subside. At least to a surfer it will. When you're not trained to be a surfer, you have to look at the best way to keep calm, learn what you can about the situation, and ride it out. Some waves are too big to "man-handle". These are the waves that demand respect.
Learn how to respect the big things in your life. Acknowledge the situations that have the power to take you out. Simple. You don't have to succumb, but you need to understand the risks. Many times I have let go of a situation - just let it go - with no after-thought. Error on my part. In actuality, I should have assessed just how massive the impact of the wave could be and jump on where I could hold on!
For example, last year I made a major move to a new city. No problem. Except when the duration of job, the income, and the housing arrangements changed gears, I ignored much of it. I kept moving, offended by some of the events. So in my defense, I responded like a champion. Ready to take on the fight.
The problem with fighting a big wave of problems was like fighting "The Octupus of a 1,000 Tentacles" that lay beneath the wave. I was fighting in every direction. Thank God, I learned to relax my mind, my thoughts, and my actions because I really wasn't getting the results I wanted. By relaxing, the solutions could surface.
And surface is where I ended. Thank God, I rode the wave to the shore and allowed God's peace to bring me to a place of respect for life and to humility.
I am no surfer, but I remember hearing that the best way to ride a wave is to ride it. Is this true? To ride a wave is not to try to overcome it, but follow it because it will eventually hit the shore and subside. At least to a surfer it will. When you're not trained to be a surfer, you have to look at the best way to keep calm, learn what you can about the situation, and ride it out. Some waves are too big to "man-handle". These are the waves that demand respect.
Learn how to respect the big things in your life. Acknowledge the situations that have the power to take you out. Simple. You don't have to succumb, but you need to understand the risks. Many times I have let go of a situation - just let it go - with no after-thought. Error on my part. In actuality, I should have assessed just how massive the impact of the wave could be and jump on where I could hold on!
For example, last year I made a major move to a new city. No problem. Except when the duration of job, the income, and the housing arrangements changed gears, I ignored much of it. I kept moving, offended by some of the events. So in my defense, I responded like a champion. Ready to take on the fight.
The problem with fighting a big wave of problems was like fighting "The Octupus of a 1,000 Tentacles" that lay beneath the wave. I was fighting in every direction. Thank God, I learned to relax my mind, my thoughts, and my actions because I really wasn't getting the results I wanted. By relaxing, the solutions could surface.
And surface is where I ended. Thank God, I rode the wave to the shore and allowed God's peace to bring me to a place of respect for life and to humility.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Hey, Wait for me...
It happens to me all the time, I start walking together with someone - engaged in conversation - and then they are gone. Disappear? you ask. Well sort of, but not really. Rather what I am describing is what occurs when the party to whom I was speaking takes off walking ahead of me for some distance. The person never looks back. He or she is not conscious that the company that was once by their side is no longer there. Or that is what seems to be the prevailing thought until once my travel companion reaches our destination I am once again acknowledged over the shoulder.
Who started this trend? I really do not walk that slow. Please understand that it takes a lady careful calculation to "click-click" in high heels, sway her hips from the right to the left, and then move her head in unison. How we do what we do here when wearing heels is not just some random movement. (If you treat it random, it will show and you won't look cute at all!) We especially need ladies to slow down their pace when walking with other ladies - help us out here.
The ideal walking pace would be one that allows a conversation to continue or begin for that matter. Take the time to make eye contact with the other person with whom you are walking and talking. This activity forces you to remember you have someone talking to and walking with you. If the other person drops out of sight behind you, it is not the Rapture, so do not think you were left here on earth. Instead stop walking, turn around, and wait for them to catch up. Leaders may have a natural tendency to walk ahead of the pack so if you are one, take note.
I get this funny feeling when someone walks off ahead of me, almost as if I am losing a race of sorts. So maybe competitive people (like myself) have a hard time feeling as if we are in second place?
Who started this trend? I really do not walk that slow. Please understand that it takes a lady careful calculation to "click-click" in high heels, sway her hips from the right to the left, and then move her head in unison. How we do what we do here when wearing heels is not just some random movement. (If you treat it random, it will show and you won't look cute at all!) We especially need ladies to slow down their pace when walking with other ladies - help us out here.
The ideal walking pace would be one that allows a conversation to continue or begin for that matter. Take the time to make eye contact with the other person with whom you are walking and talking. This activity forces you to remember you have someone talking to and walking with you. If the other person drops out of sight behind you, it is not the Rapture, so do not think you were left here on earth. Instead stop walking, turn around, and wait for them to catch up. Leaders may have a natural tendency to walk ahead of the pack so if you are one, take note.
I get this funny feeling when someone walks off ahead of me, almost as if I am losing a race of sorts. So maybe competitive people (like myself) have a hard time feeling as if we are in second place?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Elevators, I know
There's yet another difference in northern and southern culture which I noticed while riding the elevator in an office building last week. Those of you who know me understand my respect for male chivalry. I whole heartedly support a male figure taking the lead role in most all situations. My southern roots just have me like that.
In the southern United States, I notice that men flex their biceps and hold back the elevator doors for women to enter the cab first. If these men are smart (and single), they will quickly follow. That just put points on the tally sheet for any man hoping to get a woman's attention. As the elevator progresses to its destination and the man happens to be going to the same floor as any woman in the cab, the gentleman (as I will rename him now) will step to the side and once again flex his biceps to hold the doors for the woman to exit first. That's just the way it happens in the south from my fifteen-plus years of experience living there.
How does this same scenario work in the north you ask? Let me remind you I have southern roots, but was born and raised in the midwest (north of the southern states). I lived in the south for many years and now I live in the north. It is in the north that I noticed an absence of male chivalry. For about a week after relocating to the Washington, DC area, I found myself competing with the men to jump on the elevator first. These same men would leave the cab first when going to the same destination as myself. Stepping to the side and holding that door for me was not on the mens agendas! This appeared to be the attitude of old men, young men, gay men, straight men, married men, single men, men of all races, blue-collar men, and white-collar get the picture? I did not notice a consistent male chivalry pattern for at least seven months. However, the local women are not taken aback by these male actions. To me they take it in stride - literally - they keep moving.
I will reiterate how wonderful to a woman the actions of a man taking the lead and providing a pathway for her to both enter and exit to her destination. Aaaahh...
In the southern United States, I notice that men flex their biceps and hold back the elevator doors for women to enter the cab first. If these men are smart (and single), they will quickly follow. That just put points on the tally sheet for any man hoping to get a woman's attention. As the elevator progresses to its destination and the man happens to be going to the same floor as any woman in the cab, the gentleman (as I will rename him now) will step to the side and once again flex his biceps to hold the doors for the woman to exit first. That's just the way it happens in the south from my fifteen-plus years of experience living there.
How does this same scenario work in the north you ask? Let me remind you I have southern roots, but was born and raised in the midwest (north of the southern states). I lived in the south for many years and now I live in the north. It is in the north that I noticed an absence of male chivalry. For about a week after relocating to the Washington, DC area, I found myself competing with the men to jump on the elevator first. These same men would leave the cab first when going to the same destination as myself. Stepping to the side and holding that door for me was not on the mens agendas! This appeared to be the attitude of old men, young men, gay men, straight men, married men, single men, men of all races, blue-collar men, and white-collar get the picture? I did not notice a consistent male chivalry pattern for at least seven months. However, the local women are not taken aback by these male actions. To me they take it in stride - literally - they keep moving.
I will reiterate how wonderful to a woman the actions of a man taking the lead and providing a pathway for her to both enter and exit to her destination. Aaaahh...
children etiquette,
ladies first,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
And a child shall lead them...
Recently some associates of mine were impressed when upon meeting my seven-year old son, he extended his hand and introduced himself with his first and last name. The handshake was firm as he looked them in the eye. But the opposite of him leading the introductions was that he waited to hear their names so he could repeat, "Nice to meet you __________." Training children to be confident and proud of who they are increases their self-esteem. Some of the issues children face in school such as low grades, influence of peer pressure, and bullying have been linked to low self-esteem.
When I taught my son this greeting he was apprehensive at first. I realized he rarely saw anyone do this. Even when I meet people, I begin talking without formally introducing myself. It is amazing how our small mannerisms affect our children. By just changing how I respond to strangers I create habits that reinforce my childrens social skills. It's not just my business at, but it's also my life.
When I taught my son this greeting he was apprehensive at first. I realized he rarely saw anyone do this. Even when I meet people, I begin talking without formally introducing myself. It is amazing how our small mannerisms affect our children. By just changing how I respond to strangers I create habits that reinforce my childrens social skills. It's not just my business at, but it's also my life.
child manners,
children etiquette,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Spring Step
This time of year poses problems for many women, including myself. There is some truth that a change in the weather disrupts normal brain functions for a period of time until cerebral fluids readjust. During the Spring, we get in touble for daydreaming, wanting to play in the dirt, or just lounging around outside. Albeit, one of my favorite seasonal pasttimes is to spend one day walking into stores trying on sandals. With each trial, I find myself thinking about all the fun places I could wear the shoes: the beach; lunch with some friends on the patio of a cool diner; mid-week church revival; dinner and a movie; family reunions. Before I know it, it feels like I have worn the shoes already, so I place them back in the box and carry on. Some of the shoes though I keep. But, I promise I refuse to buy any shoes for which I have not already prepared a visual in my mind.
As a trained image consultant, I have learned that Rule Number One in this business is to know me. This keeps my personal preferences for myself separate from the recommendations I offer my clients. So I know what I like, what looks good on me, and the styles I should avoid. Flats, gladitor sandals, sandals with less than a one-inch heel, and patent leather sandals all fall into my "NO" category. In 2007, I took my Mom and the kids to our favorite vacation spot for a week. Once there at Saint Simons Island, Georgia I unpacked my suitcase of shoes. The only styles I purchased were those with two or three-inch heels. Even my flip-flops were on a 3-inch heel. But I know my stuff and can walk my walk (the confidence I recommend for every woman) so even my high-heels were appropriate for sandy beaches.
As a trained image consultant, I have learned that Rule Number One in this business is to know me. This keeps my personal preferences for myself separate from the recommendations I offer my clients. So I know what I like, what looks good on me, and the styles I should avoid. Flats, gladitor sandals, sandals with less than a one-inch heel, and patent leather sandals all fall into my "NO" category. In 2007, I took my Mom and the kids to our favorite vacation spot for a week. Once there at Saint Simons Island, Georgia I unpacked my suitcase of shoes. The only styles I purchased were those with two or three-inch heels. Even my flip-flops were on a 3-inch heel. But I know my stuff and can walk my walk (the confidence I recommend for every woman) so even my high-heels were appropriate for sandy beaches.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Inauguration Michelle's Way
Hey Ladies. Let's give it up for the classy, the sophisticated, the elegant Michelle Obama! What a day of fashion for her. Earlier I chatted with some associates of mine and we all agree the First Lady exhibits her own style. She is very unique. It is hard to peg what she will wear next. And guess what? We like it. Michelle has ushered us into an era where we get to be who we want to be. It is great! It is time ladies to be daring. Daring enough to let our self be reflected in ourselves every day. Wow! Not only does Michelle's husbands election empower the word "freedom", but Michelle's style does exactly the same.
So what are you going to do ladies? Michelle has put you up to the challenge to be your own you. How will you handle it. Will you crop your hair and color your ends? Maybe you will wear fishnet hose more often? Could it be that now you will wear big hoop earrings? Whatever you want to do, will you tell us so we can get some inspiration?
So what are you going to do ladies? Michelle has put you up to the challenge to be your own you. How will you handle it. Will you crop your hair and color your ends? Maybe you will wear fishnet hose more often? Could it be that now you will wear big hoop earrings? Whatever you want to do, will you tell us so we can get some inspiration?
inauguration day,
michelle obama,
personal style,
white house
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